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Who We Are

The Boston Chapter of the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice is one out of the 32 national chapters created for criminal and social justice practitioners, to initiate positive change in the community by fighting against racial disparities towards people of color through community activism, representation and education.


With our goal to support, educate and invest in our communities by means of representation and action, our chief concern is the general welfare of people of color as it relates to the administration of justice and social equality. 

What We Do

Boston NABCJ is a liaison, a resource to the community by means of education, support groups, representation, community support and community programming. We give the community the opportunity to level the playing field in categories in which BIPOC communities have been historically oppressed, mishandled and misrepresented. We support our community through education, support groups, representation, community support and community programming.

Why We Do It


Black property ownership remains the lowest in the country at 44%. Hispoanic property ownership at 48.9%.


White property ownership: 78%

Median Net Worth

Average white family in Boston has a medium net worth of $274,500.


Black Families in Boston has a medium net worth of $8.

Net worth is what you "own" subtracted by what you "owe"




Since 1980, black enrollment throughout many of Boston's universities (including Northeastern, Boston University and Harvard) remain at 5%.


American Population consist of:

65% White | 12% Black | 16% Hispanic


% of Population that call police for help

77% White | 9% Black | 8% Hispanic


The hiring of Black doctors in emergency medicine have ONLY increased by 0.32% in the last 30 years.




8.7% White

18.3% Hispanic

21.2% Black


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